What is the Westbrook Local Area Plan (LAP)?
Read the City of Calgary Engagement information here.
Richmond Knob Hill requested a 'Special Study Area' to maintain R-1 zoning in the 'wedge'. The request was denied. The 'Increase Housing Document' was emailed from the planning department in support of the denial.
What is the response from other Community Associations?
Glendale | Glendale Meadows Opinion Letter
Richmond Knob Hill Opinion Letter
We encourage all residents to read and review the LAP. Look at the Legend as you scroll from 'Urban Form' to the 'Building Scale'.
City Council will vote to approve the LAP on January 17, 2023.
RKH is opposed to the Westbrook LAP in the current form.
Have your say!
Write an email to your City Council and sign up to speak at the meeting.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please emailour Planning + Development Director.
2022 Oct 11 single-detached policy response.pdf
IPC 22.12.08 Westbrook LAP Vote.pdf
Richmond west removal from LAP.pdf
RKH Oppose LAP letter Nov 15 r2.pdf
RKH Oppose LAP letter Nov 15 r2.docx
Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 8.30.53 PM.png
Spec Study area letter Sept 21.pdf
Spec Study area letter Sept 21.docx
Urban Form & Building Scale Maps.pdf
Urban Form & Building Scale Maps.png
Westbrook LAP- Glendale Response Nov 18, 2022.pdf
What you can do Dec 29 22.docx
Wildwood CA WAP 2pager (1)_221129_092837.pdf
Maps 22-0022922-ADV-17217 - GMG - Westbrook Communities LAP - Phase 4 Limited Scale Map RUSH_P5 (1)