For those of you who are eagerly awaiting your paper newsletter, the Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association regrets to inform you that the newsletter publisher has decided to no longer print newsletters for the community association due to Covid-19.
The community association has taken this opportunity to press "reset" on how we communicate with residents. Going digital will allow us to reduce the community association's costs associated with delivering the newsletter and will also allow us to focus on creating an ad-free, timely, focused digital content for residents to keep up-to-date about what's going on in the community.
To keep everyone in the loop about how the community association is going digital, you should see a bold sign at the community association and a flyer in your mailbox.
We want to continue to keep in touch with our community members! Please sign up for a membership (free annual membership for a limited time), which includes a subscription to the eNewsletter. Alternatively, you can sign up for the free eNewsletter without a membership.
The community association has also revamped our membership management system and website, which should allow us to maintain continuity and serve our community in an even better way than before.
We look forward to continuing to keep in touch!

Great update. Love the picture of wonder girl!